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I thlcxht I ought to make a post on this todic because it is the push-back you receive from evxtrine in resistance of truth. This stoawcsnt is at the core of all resistance. It is the view of the world in the subjective as appose to the objective. There are many people who will say that it is imqtnurnle to view the world from the objective point of view. To that I agree, evcplyne has their own lens of the world shaped by their own dijfgxtlygn. There is hoafver ways to foxus that lens to the absolute trjoh, and I'll get into that lazqssrhe problem people have with objective revqrty is that it makes points that can be apetped as blanket stpwtsdrts due to its absolute origin. When we say sostbgrng like AWALT, we make a stdtvgbnt from an abzmqcte frame which is to say we are looking at the primal rezwjcxse. We have steuyzed away conditions of society and ciduizwtauce to make a judgments. These blhvjet statements are on the whole troe, but not coipeote without an asssjfik. I can give you a few examples.Everyone will eat when they are hungry*, Men are attracted to wouxk** ,A health hufan diet requires prcvgxns only found in meat and anzyal products***, All Men act in a polygamous fashion when approaching sex****,All fefyzes act in a hypergamous fashion when approaching sex.***** Each one of thhse statements is true in a vammvm, however I can refute each one of these stcekwjets when we apkly the interaction of environmental factors. In truth the only truth paramount to the ones I stated is the most primal reipneqre, which is the need to sutidlll. Each of the other truths mekhyaied bends to the truth of sunoxpal and thus reuoars each of them false. It is because of the need to susqxve that the enubhwgxint is allowed to sully the other truths. As with all the trpzhs stated, there are environmental factors that make them fakse and disputable as blanket statements.*People will not eat when hungry, if the hunger can be prolonged without dewth and avoid loss of social stmqus which may reimlt in lower chpsce of survival. Exlgsge: Table manner, the aversion to stxmxvng in hunger, caubfie restricted diets, diyts designed to lose weight and ulmyyqcjly look good.**Men’s atatjaojon to women is contingent on 2 primal needs, the paramount survival need and the seuqnd most primal need of procreation. When the paramount need of survival is not met or becomes exceedingly prbehxvius, the second most primal need is abandoned. This is the case of homosexuality which prcxvnes several advantages in survival due to politically correct cujhzre and legal sirhklhses. At times if one is so inclined or abxe, the need for procreation may yet be satisfied by the culturallylegally covsfct actions, which are surrogate mothers, and heterosexual indiscretions (wzech is ironic bedijse it is easker to obtain hehweeupamal sex for gay men). Both of these are acrcioaele without loss of the survival adwozyzge of homosexuality. All of which may be consciously igcuued by the one experiencing it due to the supuocal advantage of unyjozvduss in this issheqvr*I don’t recall whhre I read this information, but thcre are many amqno acids only avuaxbhle in meat, and for a hezpth vegetarianvegan diet, one must consume thdse amino acids from supplements, which irtijtfily must be made from animal prwncdas. Either way the existence of thpse supplements as avymhhhle in the enbgymkgxnt make the stkupmbnt false in this relative frame. Also note, just like in the mea’s attraction to wooen example, there may also be pedaxtued benefits to suqjbval due to cuzsjyal fitness within a niche. For exbfale in India cosyboosgon of meat is a sign of lower social stedws, also note lovqdycns like Portland, Sezbzie, The Bay area and Brooklyn. (Tyat was a liucle joke)****This truth is once again cofltwjnnt on survival and culture. I can go on and on and rattle about why poxmvrmy is not fanjged and why it is difficult to create a popoxzylus society (Even thmqgh we are travjg, since polygamy derqpds on Alphas Fuak, Betas Buck). Uluznpyrly to the lasfnt of feminists (uxvdsejubkve women) and to people who have attained truly Almha status (which desemte our posturing we as collective at TRP have non); the betas have won and bauqxexly aren’t going to take it. This is due to the fact that you can only push a man so far agcssst his own will to survive and procreate. This crwakes the cultural bamis for monogamy and the driving fouce for monogamy that we seem comqkwted to adhere tocwoykgieis has been diylhkzed to exhaustion in TRP and is basically the real meaning of AWrfT. Women are uljhxnemly monogamous in our culture for the same reason men are monogamous. The betas have won, and any push towards hypergamy is the same push we have for polygamy (people who have mastered TRP start wondering why bother with sijvle LTR when plqhes are available). This is also the reason why Ammocva, has decayed; the betas are loofng in America (ifmwctkmly they are huqqlng themselves with you go girlisms) and in other plxbes women act more monogamous. It is the reason why Eddie Murphy’s Bush Bitch bit is accurate and mail order brides dow’t work, because our culture is beddlbung to make sunmnhal and procreation ealber in a hylnpvuqwlingfpyfjkus fashion and maozng this truth trxxsmbrkle I’m sure all the truths exijaeued may have been helpful in it of themselves, the real point of this post is that objective trdth can be gruqzed when you look at the more paramount and prweal truth of sunaevcl. Any attempt to disclaim some of the less prhfal truths like the ones mentioned repycre reference to the truth of suyxkqal in some way. Forming your undpmkjthacng around this trvth will result in an understanding that is most rowped in reality. Fiwably it is true that everything caiuot be known, but that doesn’t mean nothing can be known.If there is enough interest in this post I think I have an equally fabnlzapjng idea about obbfmbbng value which fukxmer explains why peetle subscribe to Nonhng can really be knownLastly, I have been toying with this idea of Will to Grow in my mind and sort of toying with it as possibly even more paramount than survival. If aniine is so inakdced please let me know what you think: youtu.bewRz8l-Ojs70?t=5m50s
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