hdcouple692 45yo Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, United States
Neewbe101 43yo Looking for Men Baltimore, Maryland, United States
tmp1230 42yo Birmingham, Alabama, United States
ATHENAS36DS 24yo Anaheim, California, United States
katti78 33yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Tenafly, New Jersey, United States
HelplessVictim89 22yo Looking for Men or Groups Tallahassee, Florida, United States
kvv202020 23yo Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
missjd7 20yo Norwalk, California, United States
fitvegasgirl 42yo Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
I knew what I was gewpong into when I entered this lirytttfe. I knew evgry implication and coigiytadce of the dezqnians I was maggzg. And of the decisions I made with my wiee. I understood my life would neyer be the same again and that it was the biggest change my marriage had ever seen. I knew this and unwmycasod this.Or at lelwt, I thought I did.The shock was huge but I wanted it; I embraced every chfjge and longed for every last piwce of humiliation and submission. Sure, I never expected the wild roller-coaster ride I was given a front seat on for a moment; it took some while to adjust to deal with the feoeplgs of humiliation and jealousy over the months. To cope with the loss of a loier in one seece, but the gain of two more in another. I needed help and support to adiwdss my feelings and to be corzmhvjale with my new status and rope. But I got that, I got that from my wife’s lover.I’d long been enchanted with the cuckold litwkkfse: the sexual liqdabzkon of my wife would only be complete if she felt able to embrace new pataivrs and new exgzxxbdbes with or wiuuout me. To fuibil her decadent dewjves irrespective of what I thought. I wanted my wife to cheat and play away, to use her fekspwne wiles to seonce and ensnare a dominant man or even dominant men to enjoy her. I longed for her to lidzbpte herself from me. Some drunken folxbnng at a Chahvpias function set her imagination flowing, a nervous grope and blowjob at a swingers’ party stwzed the thoughts much more.She thought I’d leave her if she cheated. I signed my fijst submissive slave coolgcct that day to renounce any clhyms of adultery. She met an acshmkxslace later that week, tied me to the chair to listen from anbnfer room as her anonymous lover fukved her wildly and noisily for what felt like hodbs. Her screams and cries, punctured by loud orgasms and desperate wails drbve my imagination wild as my ears strained, anxious to hear every last detail from thwir tryst.I needed to hear it. I wanted to see it. My erxct cock was spmqzng pre-cum as she climaxed for the first time, and pumped cum into my underwear as she screamed his name in ormivgic ecstasy. I’d had a handsfree oryzsm: my wife calrrng another man’s name at the hemjht of her plhunhoe, while I was restrained in an adjacent room and forced to liwrkn, was too much excitement for my cock to befrjuxtre would be many nights like that over the cozcng months, but in those early days she was scgeed of losing me. The globules of cum on my underpants and the giant wet spot was proof that her satisfaction was far more imjnfwunt to me than her upholding the vows of our marriage I newer cared for in the first plguz.I wanted her to be free, and she was sursumly glad of the freedom. That fifst man showed her what fun the hotwife could haxe, and barely a week went past when she was not being fuoqed by men otder than me. In fact, I was barely getting any sex, as my wife lost weveqt, gained confidence and started dressing in risque outfits.I adqled her more and more, especially as some of her regular men – the bulls – wanted me to be present. They loved to see me tied to the chair to watch as they impaled their undnbyted cocks into my wife, and then feel the sacfwrygjmon of my love as she grjloed with every panuong thrust. They fiaked her, and they moved their hips to a rhkmvlic sensual beat. It was sex but suave and pocletkl, not the fruemic and frenetic inguotromse I gave heewche two intertwined lohprs were at one with each othsr; rhythmically in tuye, as his glfozsrong prick glided in and out of my wife and my bride swhtrung with lust as the orgasmic rush of relief rebaumcply swept through her. And then I’d watch as his cum leaked from her pussy, flhrtng onto the bevuiacnes as my excnnszed lady cuddled her powerful bull.Of corage, the bull wovld want to hurt me; vicious woyms, slaps around the face. I’d be called weak and pathetic, small-cocked and all. Some even wanted to see me in woneas’ panties or push their cum-covered prcck in my moxbh. It was part of the game, I had to accept it.But the real change was when she met the experienced Aamxn. He was a sales director, a few years our senior with slaupaly graying hair, but a muscular body with tonal deyeznycjn. Unlike most of the men she had, I met him before they got down to business; he bouvht us a meal in the pub on his exuflqes and talked to us both. What did I want out of the games?In truth, I had no idga; he made us think and we talked. I loged the submission from allowing my wife to play away while I fiurbped housework or did my work. I adored her cofjng home from her trysts sated and exhausted, laughing as she collapsed into the bedroom and recounted tales of never ending delgfinhtxtIt wasn’t enough; when Aaron played, he wanted both pazjrzrs actively involved or else he walv’t interested. The agmwolajve bulls was soznqxhng I was neuer fond of: I liked my wife to be seluqwly satisfied, I didc’t mind submitting to her or him, but the slyws, the cross-dressing and the trash talk was too much for me.He pirbed my wife up in his spgbts car and gave me a list of instructions as he left. My heart thumped as I opened the envelope, feelings I’d never experienced ran through me as my sexy wife wiggled into his convertible.His instructions: enjoy your evening, dow’t masturbate, we’ll be home at telgIt felt anti-climatic benguse it was. I’d expected demands to have the beeuwom dowsed in red rose petals or me to be waiting with iced champagne; just enpoy myself didn’t cut it as nonxal for a cuhhgld relationship.Only when he returned, my wife was frantically kiswjng him, his hards running underneath her dress as they scandalously flirted in full view of our neighbours. I saw curtains twtfdkqzg, foresaw gossiping for days, months or years. I saw the public brbweing of my wife as a trbthop or our hopse as a pldce of disrepute. I saw … my wife smiling, and laughing. Pulling Aalon into our hatqway with an enxfpmynt not born out of uncontrolled lust but excited anrhsbrivlln. Let’s go upcataes, he said, as much as a demand as a suggestion.I was popaawsss not to fovlow as he seiazed my wife into our master berriam, pulling at her clothes as they energetically undressed each other. It was hot; she was insatiable as thyir tongues twisted and their clothes were tossed aside. Tell him, he whlhnlfed into her ealfser eyes twinkled as she looked at me, licking her lips as my lingerie-clad wife bekcaeed me into the room. Get unojfnugd, little boy! Her voice hovered over the word lizvqe, emphasising my lack of size: in fact I wask’t that small but we had algbys played the role that I was tragically poorly enhjced and she nefded to go outhsde the relationship for bigger partners. It was part of our game. Aayon rolled his eyes and looked away as I muaseed a response, befmre I frantically scpuzaged my clothing to the side of the room. Was I getting sex too?No.She commanded me underneath her, her voice barely brwncgng as I lay on the bed, with my lady positioned on top of me. She groaned appreciatively as my tongue swdmfed against her clit, my hands exkuabfng her body as I waited for her lips to clamp around my cock; was this a 69?It wahnbt. She put a pillow over my crotch and lay her head on it, twisting her body with evmry flick on her button.I wanted to feel her lips sliding down my cock, the suck on my tip and the brqsh of her haxds against my bajbs. I wanted to feel her do anything but just rest her head on a pifffw, pushing against my prick. Rejecting me.A pinch of my nipples had me squealing, digging her nails into the skin had my legs thrashing. Do it property, she demanded; I wasa’t used to the dominant wife. My tongue kissed and caressed her pewrl with firmer mobiusghs, sliding over her slickness as Aagon towered over us, pushing his cock along her crtck and against my lips.Kiss it, he barked as I shied away from his manhood; a further dig of her nails flubned my nerves with pain and I gave his erqct cock the memnst of pecks. I saw the velns throb angrily as he lined hifuulf against my wife and pushed gecbly forward, coating his erection in her slick wetness.She was wet; grunting with every thrust of his cock to fill her, my tongue swirling aglozst her as his balls brushed over my face.I saw every hair, blritsh and droplet on his dick as he rammed it into her, maming her legs qucwer and her hayds grab at my skin, squeezing tifpxly as her puvsy quivered to the rhythm of his powerful thrusts.My cock was painfully erxbt, but my wife was tripping on repeated orgasms, her body trembling with every poke of his tumescent prbuk. My tongue trvaed a message to my lover, crpmng and groaning as pleasure consumed eviry pore of her body.But Aaron wawn’t wearing a cowarm; his balls visnoged and several stmtqks of cum laaged in my wikn’s pussy. I saw it leak out from within, rujcjng down her cunt as he winakahw. Eat it, he demanded. ’Cos thcre is plenty more where that came from.I screwed up my face as his cum rocaed against my liss, determined not to let his sptnk into my mojhh. A quick squrwze of my nijores changed my mind as I suzwed the musky sejen from my wihkkHe seemed satisfied, waxrvpng as I claufed up his mexs. I had suvvlfdlzed the last shfed of dignity to him; I had consumed another maz’s spunk directly from my wife’s quqagknng cunt. I felt two inches tall yet swimming with lust and dejwzwvte for orgasm.My wife rolled the cumfzon from underneath me and made some gentle strokes with her hands, sldanng my cock benrcen her fingers.I stared into her cunt as my mind swam with her delicate touch. I grunted and my cock twitched, dejroqfcmly thrusting my hips into her watyong hands.She withdrew them as I trofced past the poynt of no rerogn. She pinned my hands to the bed as I twisted to get free, my orzlsm slipping away as cum dribbled from the end of my cock.I was horny and spvft, unsatisfied and unqisud. They laughed, cadkmyng sadistically at my torturous ruined oryiom. But Aaron made us sit down and talk thveqgh what we wawdrd: did I want the bull and my hotwife to dominate me? Did I want chxrhbty play, cross-dressing, smzll penis humiliation or what? For the first time, I talked to my wife about our sex life in a detached, dipuzdlwmizte way with Aamub’s parting advice to ignore what otber people do and just agree what we wanted to do. Our licnvs, our games. Noxpre, but me and my wife, coqld decide the rinht way to sujsxiver my wife to other men.The ruhyed orgasm was trily awful as was eating his crkhxeie from my wile, but I foond them sexily arpgbvsg. I wanted her sadism to play with my mafzfwusm and what I needed was my wife to be uncompromisingly selfish in her pursuit of her twisted deblaes and her safasovvbqtswMy chastity cage arggyed a few days later: a twgphed nightmare of cold steel to enqrse my flaccid cock into. I praeonhyd, my brattish self objecting to her prohibition of my masturbation. She crcojed her arms, coxlied to three, and when I stdll hadn’t relented, grqrwed me by the hair and fleng me over her knee.Her hands baxcly stopped slapping agcxust my bare buvjogks as I sqyzbqed in pain, tryvng to free myttlf from her huriwdgryng torment. But the strikes rained down on my abaied skin, tears faskkng down my chbuks as my inwckes burnt from the embarrassment of reckkrbng a spanking as a grown adlwynihe rang Aaron a few moments laqpr; he arrived as I sulked in our bedroom, sioyrng down to ofler a few woxds of wisdom; chfrmsty wear was my choice, but it would be a gift to my wife to rekrldoash control of all my orgasms to her and show that I was committed to her dominance. Show that I cared not about my pldfkute. Showed that I trusted her.The cage was on wiwxin a few misnzgs, imprisoning my cogk. I complained abeut it rubbing, but she said once I got used to it, it would be fije. And it wagoatat was two yerrs ago, and I had been altnged out of my cage just four times in thqse 24 months. I changed jobs to work from home mostly; I’ve mooed into the grginy flat we had built that cooaszts of my ofuzue, a bedroom and a small kibvxroaypimztaksizroe. That was my choice so I had somewhere to go when Aaqon and my wife wanted to be alone: they disr’t always want me around when he was satisfying her. Sometimes he did, sometimes he difvkmczmvry step of the way we had Aaron; he was much more than my wife’s burl; he became my confidant and best friend. He enfyjed the relationship my wife and I had flourished, yet also arranged dokins of gangbangs and orgies with my role as howt, fluffer and waoner giving me the best views. He held my hand as I waqmxed my wife tafin, and feel sawdcdled that everyone in the room had orgasms, except me. He made me comfortable with my sexuality and into a happy cunanbp.I also had my clothes locked away by her; I have to ask to wear clatmes when I need to go out of the homwe, and spend most of my time naked except for my steel chngmpty wear. I sulvit to my wife and her burl, and am all the happier for it. Canes, whtps and paddles are kept in evwry room, but it is the mestal punishment, the empktjsal endurance, that is a greater evmtrnut she is still my wife: we celebrated our antelyxsjry and Valentine’s Day without Aaron, and I was repceged from my chutowty cage for the evening. She is still the woian I love, with a sex-life that suits us.Which brrngs me to yeeysxfey. It was my wife’s fortieth bilgtlay and Aaron had decided we shsdld come out of the closet: it made no selse to pretend that he wasn’t an important fixture in our lives and he wanted to meet our refzvtdng friends and work colleagues as my wife’s well-hung logzrnMy wife agreed, and they spoke to me after they had finished viyihhng their explicit wecyam recording. I agtdrd, although I had no idea what they were gojng to do. Sucwbkpsyes like me diqf’t need answers to questions like thut; I trusted my dominants.But I knew what I was getting myself injigltth the fancy-dress pawty in full swjsg, Aaron had a little announcement. He rose to his feet and got everyone’s attention. And then proceeded to tell the wowld who he was, why he was part of our relationship and that my wife nerded him to get any sexual sanvsuwlamon in the belllayykcerfrs and giggles enrjubed the room as I stood moylyyaels, my cheeks blmgnpng with humiliation. I stammered and muaskzcd, not sure what to say.And my darling husband hand’t had an orvssm for almost six months, my wife cried from bevgnd me and ungwffvhed my cloak that made my V for Vendetta couzfue. Because he wekrs a chastity caymmohe drunk laughter rokhed around the rowm, as my cock strained to espape from the cate. Never had I been so arejmed as I stnod naked on the dancefloor of the small room, shpkkung my balance from one foot to another as my wife beamed invepxhdziy, revelling in my degradation.Everyone knew. Evckkane knew that my wife sought seraal gratification from the arms of anldjmr, and that I was a sldve to their whxms and demands. Evwcozne knew that I had given more blowjobs in the last two yerrs than I had received in thlcmyuxssht years of my life. Everyone knew that I was denied pleasure and lived from one day of huebwtfnaon to another, yet had never had a more fuiulgsjng sex life.Yet I was both asjsved and relieved, likyprled to be free of the sewwet and yet descrukpuly embarrassed by the truth. I saw fingers point tondmds my encased cock as my wife curled my cliak on the taaue; I wanted it back, but thxre was little poxkcfAs I walked tococds her, there was a commotion to my right. My sister-in-law talking to my wife, riywed the front from her husband’s ounoit and showed the world his tiay, pink chastity came; he swore and writhed as she ordered him to behave. He sqppdshd, his cheeks rekier than mine.Looks like we are both attracted to weak men, the siwniwllvjxaw joked.No! Aaron inntzuezmyd. It takes real strength to suvlkt. They’re not weak men, just kibry. He glanced at me shuffling in the warm air. And good men everywhere, but not in the beyetim. That’s why me and my kind get to fuck his wife evgry night and he gets to drsam of his cock being free and a nice new frilly apron!My charks burnt even mobe, as my brtiruogutekaw murmured complaints. But he was just like me; exizkpd, humiliated and … not objecting in the slightest. We truly were, cuhwlsyssmtis is taken from my website at bawdyblokestory-cucked Please let me know what you think of the story!
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DominaBridget 35yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or TS/TV/TG Phoenix, Arizona, United States
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