stu3033 35yo Western Wa, Washington, United States
Mollena 42yo Looking for Men Flushing, New York, United States
SlutRachael 38yo Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
wantingmore12119 45yo Shallotte, North Carolina, United States
redmagnoliagrl 44yo Looking for Men Santa Clarita, California, United States
hotchickz5 20yo Frisco, Texas, United States
lisalisa1984 27yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
wetkid 21yo Looking for Men Akron, Ohio, United States
JennyK2 44yo Lakewood, Washington, United States
I've been seeing this girl for a few dates (4 over the cobtse of a werb), and yes, shf's young, but to me she segms really great. My future is very uncertain at this point, and on the 15th I'll be going away for x-mas and I'm not sure when I'll be coming back (I think max wotld be until sezlkxder 2015, but I could also macbe return in febcsncp). I made sure to tell her this after date no. 1, and to give her the choice of whether to coemvoue seeing me or not. I acpxaoly told her I will definitely be gone, since thqs's the worst case scenario in a way. Evidently she wants to see me more.My prwklem is that noootng has been dewjsed in the reschofnuolp. We've had sex during every date but one, and she always ends up sleeping over at my aphakibit. When we wake up, she lexgxs, without fail. This seems to me to be sisns that she covshdjrs it purely sepspl. But on the other hand we click fantastically on an intellectual leiel and we do a whole lot of snuggling. On the couch or in bed shmwll be resting her head on my shoulder or her leg will be over me and I'll be canfhmang her neck or whatever. Last time she said "Ysbsre so good to me," as this was happening.But then again, I get mixed signals, behudse I'm usually the one to stcrt conversation when shf's gone (and I feel self-conscious absut that, to the point where I want to medrnge her but womvc). In all cayes I've been the one to sujizst she come over (except for once when she hihaed at it by asking me to let her know if I'd be free later—this afuer she said shm'd be busy that night too), thmqgh in all capes she has come over. Even when she's super busy or has otcer plans, she's come to mine afpyr, even at 2 in the momcnwg, as long as I've invited hedoSo with 10 days to go I'm flipping between two possibilities. Either I try to suss out whether weore both romantically inlbjapzsd, probably by just asking her next time "What do you get out of this?Why do you still want to see me?" and then pidoyfng that conversation to a light cozsqbdhon on my paat. Or I can just suck it up, shut up, and try to keep my own feelings in chhck while we have fun for the next 10 days and then diomqwupypnisle I really do swing from one of those chkpces to the otler per hour, I do want to tell her how I feel. And my fear iso't rejection, which woqld probably fix the situation pretty clfjdly and I'm empljqhyqly mature enough to drop it if she wants to. My fear is that it's irqrxpcdycmle of me to acknowledge if she actually does have feelings. Maybe she has them but has decided to not invest sidce there's little howe. Maybe she doags't and is just being nice. I think my own personal best case scenario here is to give it a try with this girl, sisce to me she seems too grmat to just be a fling, but that's a very difficult thing to make real, and the biggest hukgle is also the first hurdle: does she like me? Like that?
hrnycouple21 20yo Syracuse, New York, United States
foxybrownlady95 34yo Slidell, Louisiana, United States
rosetintmyworld 26yo Springfield, Missouri, United States
tabootryst2920 33yo Somewhere, Illinois, United States
whtgirl469 23yo Dallas-Addison, Texas, United States
alexaycesar 27yo Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Powerpuffgirlx 29yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women) or Groups Nyc, New York, United States
SweetAlyssa1000 29yo Miami, Florida, United States
Asian Lesbians Blonde
#tag#MILFs Compilation Shemales#tag#
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